Introducton of Gadgets

PDB has digital gadgets as the function on a default and optional basis.

1) Non-DCS Performance Parameters (Default Gadget)

  • Required calculation (or simulations) such as MR/C3 Comp Power and LNG Production are calculated via AI models and integrated as Specific Power (LNG production efficiency) is instantly visualized.
  • In the example below, MR/C3 Comp Power and LNG Production are calculated via AI models and integrated as Specific Power (LNG production efficiency).

2) Various Analysis Tools (Default Gadget)

  • PDB provide various analysis as Default Gadgets.
  • PDB provides various analysis tools such as:
    1. Historical Data Visualization / 2. Histogram Plot / 3. 2D Correlation
    4. Compressor Performance Curve / 5. MR Composition Histogram

Intelligent Gadgets (Optional)

  • The following function can be added as the option based on the user’s needs:
    Scatter Plot Matrix, Heat Map, Plant Overall Performance, Compressor Vibration, MCHE Cooling Curve Visualization, Liquefaction Energy Loss, Heat Exchanger Actual Duty,

Our Transformations Introduction of Gadgets