
PDB (Performance Dashboard) is an innovative digital tool designed to improve the operation of the industrial facility. PDB has the following features:

  • A machine learning model equivalent to a process simulator
  • The ability to illustrate the performance parameters to immediately analyze the efficiency level of the operation
  • Instant installation without huge costs and schedule modifications
  • Want to understand the plant condition / performance immediately

  • How to understand the operational efficiency immediately Without huge cost and schedule of modification

  • Engineering x AI

  • Performance

Value Proposition

PDB is a digital tool to automate the performance analysis of the industrial facility’s operation and is useful for the improvement of the operation. The value of the PDB is as follows:

  • PDB automatically shows the important parameters for the operation analysis such as rotating machine efficiency, power calculations, production rate calculations and liquefaction efficiency. These operations normally require manual simulation from the operation data.
  • The PDB user can perform various analysis such as the trend analysis using time series charts, the correlation analysis using two-dimensional scatter plot , and a visualization analysis of the performance curve of the rotating machines.
  • PDB not only contributes to reduced costs, but it also enhances the PDCA cycle to improve operations by significantly reducing the time it takes to analyze the plant’s operation.
  • PDB also enhances the operator’s awareness of the need to improve the operation.
  • PDB’s function is flexible and expandable depending on the user’s needs.

Our Values & Technology Performance Dashboard